The adventures of Massie and Marcie are off to a good start. The past week has been spent shaping up this four-story grey Victorian, cleaning out every closet nook and cranny (there are more then a Thomas' english muffin) and painting floors and furniture to get it ready for company. Lamps, dressers, bookshelves and mirrors have all been resurected. That is a photo of the lovely mauve color of the floor before we went over it with three coats of brown paint. And this is a photo of the studio before we really got started.
I have never had a space that was just for art. That space has always been part of a bedroom, living room or entry-way. Every apartment I have lived in has had it's share of projects strewn across the floor. I am looking forward to working on a project and not having to clear it off the bed before I go to sleep. Welcome to Two Birds Studio, prepare for after shots.
My god! I've never gone through so much just to say "I hope you are settling in well", and I'm sure that you are putting your own special touches to your new home! I know that you will be able to make any place, large or small, a cozy and inviting place to be...I hope that you are finding what you need to out in the "wilderness" of New York State! June
Thanks,Romeo! Come visit soon!
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