Saturday, September 27, 2008

Spooky Piano Playing

So, I went over to the Phoenix today all by my lonesome. The Phoenix is a 22 bedroom mansion that was built in 1887 as a summer home for the fabulously wealthy Stillman sisters. The kitchen looks like the kitchen in some of the restaurants I worked in New York city and Chicago and there are fireplaces that you can literally walk into. It was a little spooky being there alone... I kept looking back over my shoulder as I played the theme song from "The Incredible Hulk" on the seriously ancient grand piano. Greg called from Iraq while I was practicing so I took a little break in one of the, I don't, know, 4 or 5 living rooms (or whatever you call them when there's that many) and had a chat about war, the presidential election and my brothers impending wedding...more on that next week when I get back from Chi-town.

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